YT Summer School 2016 Will Be Held In Beijing In August

The second annual meeting of the Youth Time Ambassadors was held in Prague bringing together the most prominent YT activists from Austria, Portugal, Nepal, Sudan, Macedonia, Russia, and the USA to network and brainstorm about the future development of the movement.

YT Summer School 2016

The upcoming YT Summer School 2016 in China was one of the core issues to discuss. It was officially confirmed that the event will take place in Beijing in August, the date is to be confirmed.

The Summer School will bring together about 70 ambitious and motivated young people to explore the topic:  “Bridging Cultures with Business Experience”.

The preliminary program of the Summer School was worked out by the Ambassadors’ team to organize an effective and unique learning environment for the participants in the School.

Please note that we are not yet accepting applications.  Follow this website or the Youth Time Movement’s official website for updates.

Many other fresh ideas were generated by the Ambassadors’ Team for the 2016 year – from sports activities to online webinars that can empower youth to have a greater impact on developing themselves and societies.

The highlight of the meeting was a discussion of the work plans of the Ambassadors in their local areas.

We believe that the voice of the younger generation needs to be listened to, and through the Ambassadors’ Program we work together to develop initiatives in local regions. 

We really encourage input from our Ambassadors – they’re on the front lines, interacting with young adults in their regions on a daily basis and bringing vital information to the table” – said Julia Kinash, President of the International Youth Time Movement.

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To ensure the effectiveness of each individual plan, the Ambassadors suggested a list of possible partners, to be determined by the strengths and needs of their local communities.

At the end of the meeting, the Ambassadors established work priorities and deadlines for all involved to coordinate their work schedules and efforts.

Read more here.

#YTGlobal Faces: Chief Macroeconomist At The ILO Ekkehard Ernst

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