YSI Momentum Platform For Young Entrepreneurs

Early-stage start-ups are invited to test the Young Sustainable Impact Momentum platform. This website aims to provide young entrepreneurs with the skills and tools necessary for their businesses. The website will be open to the public in October this year so if you’d like to benefit from its resources sign up for the early test. Application process is ongoing.

Momentum Programme website is a self-paced programme with the goal of creating momentum for early-stage entrepreneurs. This is a remote programme for start-up owners that aims to provide the tasks to help young entrepreneurs boost their projects.

Currently the platform is trialling its curriculum to be ready to launch in October this year. Platform users will receive access to peer-to-peer sessions and live sessions on start-up stages, marketing, and more.

If you or someone you know would benefit from using the resources on business planning, go ahead and share this link. The platform is currently accepting applications to test the curriculum which will be open to the public in October.

Application process is ongoing.


Main Criteria

All early-stage start-ups are eligible to apply. In order to be eligible for the test trial of the platform in October, candidates should fill out a quick online form.  

Find out more now.

Another great opportunity here:

The Novartis Reimagining Healthcare Scholarship

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