Youth Time’s Good News Stories: Friday 14th May

Olena Kagui is back with her second instalment of Youth Time's Good News Stories, this time featuring a young firefighter and some generous donations.

Miracles happen every day, but so much of what we are exposed to is negative news. 

At Youth Time, we want to bring you some good news that will brighten up your mood! 

Enjoy three stories from different parts of the world that have gone viral and spread smiles worldwide! 

As you read these stories, think about what you can do to make the world a better place!


11-Year-Old Helps Firefighters Save a Burning House

It may be warm in many parts of the world, but it is still snowing heavily in others. 

Just a few months ago, on a snowy day in Cortland, New York, firefighters arrived to find a burning house. It was a windy day, so the fire was spreading fast.

In order to put out the fire, the firefighters desperately needed to find a hydrant, so they searched the snowbanks. 

Luckily, there was one already dug out that saved precious time needed to save the house.

Blayke Austen-Hines is just 11-years-old but has been digging out hydrants near his home for as long as he remembers. 

Without his help, the firefighters wouldn’t have had enough water to put out the fire. 

This is a great reminder that annoying chores such as cleaning up the street and making sure that hydrants are accessible in case of an emergency can save lives. 


A.I. Created to Sort Pastries Learns to Fight Cancer

Les Brown said: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will land among the stars.” 

A Japanese A.I. did just that by going from sorting pastries to helping battle cancer by recognising cancerous cells in microscope slides.

Computer systems engineer Hisashi Kambe launched BakeryScan in 2013. 

For just $20,000, this system helps bakeries by distinguishing between different pastries, which cuts down on employee training and makes the checkout process more hygienic.

It was several years later that its ability to identify cancer cells was discovered. 

According to the New Yorker, it has a 99% accuracy rate in pinpointing which cells under a microscope slide are cancerous.


Anonymous Stranger Helping Families in Need

Taking care of one child can be tough mentally, physically, and financially. 

Emma Frost, from Blacon in Cheshire, is raising five children and struggling to afford food. 

One day, she received a knock on the door and found two bags of groceries as well as five packed lunches on her doorstep! 

There was also a note saying that someone submitted her name to receive food drops to help feed her family.

Of course, Emma was overjoyed by the note and sweet gesture from a stranger. Better yet, the note said that they would continue delivering lunches for the kids regularly!

If this story moves you, look into a local food drop in your community. You might be able to put a smile on someone’s face and help a family enjoy a healthy meal.

It can be as simple as digging up a hydrant, pointing out a person in need to the right organisation, or as genius as inventing a sorting machine that can do more than identify a croissant. 

With so many amazing people in the world, it is no wonder that there is always an abundance of feel-good stories that remind us what humanity is all about.

Missed the first instalment of our new series? Well, here it is!

Youth Time’s Good News Stories: Friday 30th April

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