‘Prepare for the Unknown Showing Itself as a Powerful Source for Growth’

We continue to acquaint you with a team of moderators and experts who will be working with us during YT Summer School. Meet Jaron Reisman. He is going to moderate 'Conflict Reconciliation' workshop. Jaron is absolutely outstanding trainer and entrepreneur from the Netherlands.

Hi Jaron. You’re new to Youth Time. Tell a bit about yourself.

I’m married to Sharon, (father of Lilach), and we live in Amsterdam. I primary work is at Knowmads Business School as executive director, program coordinator and tribe guide (Tribes are our groups).

After a couple of years of Entrepreneurship in Online Payments, I decided that it was time to switch to a more balanced approach to my professional and private life. I learned a lot about entrepreneurship, growing companies and self-awareness. This made me decide to become a trainer and entrepreneur for purpose-driven development of individuals and organisations. I work according to five principles:

– Self-leadership: Organisations and individuals find a flow if their work is purpose-centered. Yes,organisations can also be approached as having a self.

– Connecting leadership: Balancing leadership and follow-ship: We talk about “connecting leadership” at the point where people serve their own purpose and the purpose of the organisation/community they work in.

– The power of the community as a facilitator of our personal success and happiness, and a

source for the future of leadership in this world

– The pursuit of “value” and “profit” goes beyond financial means, and value exchange goes

beyond the exchange of money for a product/service.

– There is a place called home for everybody, even if you have a multi-national background. At Knowmads Business School I work with and am inspired by people and our community. We are setting a future standard for self-directed learning and co-creation in our programs. Alongside this I offer a workshop based on community learning, neuro-linguistic programming and transaction analysis. Some of the titles include:

– “Living your talents”

– “The art of shared leadership”

– “Conflict resolution – turning conflicts into a forward force”

– Masterclass: “Developing communities that learn”, with Kim van Rijt

– “Serving Self-Leadership”: Finding a way to balance your purpose and the purpose of your organisation in such a way that your actions are right and sustainable.

I also do life-coaching, business coaching and tribe (team) guidance within the school program frame as well. The tribe guidance often ask for conflict resolution, which I very much like to offer.

What is the ‘Conflict reconciliation’ workshop going to be about?

Revealing to participants how their subconscious contributes to their behaviour, and how theirawareness of this hidden contribution can be turned into a power that can contribute to resolution of the conflict.

What will the format of the workshop be?

Introduction based on storytelling, theoretical framing, working in groups of 2/3, sharing and working in a larger group.

What should Summer School participants do to prepare before attending your workshop?

In case they have never experienced systemic constellation a new world will open up for them, which I would say is hard to exactly explain if you never experienced it yourself. So prepare for the unknown becoming present and showing itself as a powerful source for growth

How Summer School attendees could use the knowledge they will get during the workshop in the future?

It is practical in an indirect way. Participants will learn to look at conflicts from a different perspective than just the rational way. This will lead to a lot of options in contributing to more harmonious situations when conflicts are faced.


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