Next Youth Time Magazine on Monday, February 2!

Wherever you are don’t miss the new issue on topic “Who creates your public opinion?” It probably sounds strange and controversial, but sometimes we are too lazy to make our own choice. That is why many people prefer to agree with public opinion rather than to understand something by themselves. Look what we have found out while searching public opinion polls’ history, pollsters’ dirty tricks, hierarchy of the biggest polling organizations and speaking with experts – sociologists, marketing specialist, politicians and usual people – on public mind. 

Main guest of the issue is Czech politician and artist Vladimir Franz. In 2012, during the presidential election in the Czech Republic, the whole world got to know Franz when major global television channels put his tattooed face, piercing, and white smile on viewers’ TV screens. After this election campaign experience Franz admits that, polling results make him laugh. 

“It is a kind of custom-built virtual reality, which is based on the principle of sampling “12 people out of a thousand”. However, concerning blacksmiths, they can’t know for sure whether those people actually prefer confectioners. I have learned from my experience how ridiculous it can get. This is similar to the work of political analysts, after all nowadays every other individual considers himself a political expert. They are trying to make everyone believe that this is an extremely complicated science, but in fact they can spend a half year ruminating about some inference, which a normal person can make in a couple of hours. Only people of this sort can delve into the data, and after six months they get frustrated because the actual events do not comply with their graphs. Those experts should have focused their minds on personal matters, instead of only using data sheets from the specific books. The fact that theory precedes practice is the major fundamental problem of our Euro-American civilization. Obviously, we have the National Statistics Service in our country, but I stick to the opinion that every individual has to find confirmation of his beliefs on his own. As for public opinion or public sentiments, I’ve also encountered it on many occasions. In this regard, the presidential campaign was very useful to me. That’s why my trust rate for television and newspapers is no higher than 5-7%. Their information is of some interest to me, but I have to complement it from other sources, from different angles. A person has to create his own opinion in reliance on normal ways of thinking”.

To read full interview subscribe here. See new issue’s content here.

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