Youth Map: Blueprint for the Future

Are you young entrepreneur? Join our network. International Movement Youth Times' new and rejuvenated venture 'Youth Map' is already up and running with ideas and innovations from our members and beyond advancing at an unprecedented rate. Here we have created an exciting blueprint for the future of international cooperation at every level of the 'food chain'; from young entrepreneurs with a unique concept that may change the world, to dynamic organistations with the capacity to put a plan in motion.

It was our belief that, while an abundance of energy, creativity and sheer will power was ricocheting around the individual minds of potential heroes, what the world lacked was a convenient and global apparatus which could channel this vibrancy for the greater good. So with Youth Map we have allied the experienced with the fresh, the resources with the ideas, and original inventors with one another. We also recognised that sometimes without a ready made environment to capitalise on an idea it can quickly be forgotten, much as a dream can be lost in just a few precious seconds.

The fruition of our efforts so far have been nothing short of inspiring. Politically there is the project for the creation of a National Tunisian Youth Council from Baptiste Amieux which hopes to ensure the participation of youth in decision making processes in country where 45% of the population is under 25. Working with such luminous NGOs, such as the International Organisation for Migration and Search for Common Ground, Baptiste and his team will first create a National Observatory for Youth before presenting his blueprint to the national government later this year. If you are attending the Rhodes Forum in Greece this summer you will have an opportunity to see this project in action!

In a more global effort, another team led by Phillippe Junior, based in the Central African Republic, will lead mobilize and coordinate a huge effort to fight climate change. Focusing their energy on renewables such as hydro, solar, biomass, and geothermal, this team hopes to make perhaps the most fundamental change of all; how we live on the planet herself.

Many other projects and ideas are collaborating right now this very second on Youth Map. Helping villagers in Nepal, joing youth forces across Europe, health projects in the Middle East, and even beach football in Ukraine!

Youth Map is just the beginning, and we are certain that the changes we have seen so far will have a snowball effect as young people across the planet learn of its value. Check it out today and don’t allow any of your dreams to escape, anything and anyone can change the world!

Find out more about Youth Time activities on the official website, learn how to level up your chances to be chosen one for Youth Time events.

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