Youth In The News: Will The Millennials Change The World?

We carefully surveyed youth-related news last week, and here are the top stories from our perspective.

A student’s view on global issues



Education and an open mind are the first two prerequisites to changing yourself and making your contribution to changing the world. Here is one example of how you can do it. Suraj Sehgal, a student activist from Atlanta, Georgia, was chosen to attend the 2016 Winter Youth Assembly at the United Nations in New York. The lessons he learned there by participating in workshops, listening to the keynote speaker and to panel discussions are universal and very much connected. They tackled the MDGs (The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals) and the 17 bold goals that 190 world leaders have committed to meet by 2030. The overall impression Suraj obtained is that everything is connected – all of the major issues that modern society faces and that MDGs intend to resolve: poverty, climate change, inequality etc. It is impossible to solve one of these issues without affecting the others, we need to obtain a deep understanding of each problem in order to find the right solution for it. These are the issues that affect every one of us, and we all can and must make our contribution to the common goal: making the world a better place.

Originally published in Huffingtonpost.


Multiculturalism as a key to success



Being outspoken and unapologetic is also something to work on. The voices of young people are heard now more than ever. And to be honest, most of these voices are really inspirational and amazing to hear. Recent research done by Azimo and YouGov showed that the majority of young people in the UK are proud of the multiculturalism they live in. Immigrants to the UK do have a negative image, but 67 per cent of young adults aged 18-24 believe that they make a positive contribution to the British economy. Today, based on the information provided by the Centre of Entrepreneurs, one in seven of all UK companies was founded or co-founded by immigrant entrepreneurs. Based on the same source there are 464,527 companies founded or co-founded by immigrant entrepreneurs, and they employ at least 1.16 million people in the UK. The young people, the future of the UK, don’t mind having a multicultural work environment, they find it superb actually, so why take that away?

Originally published at

The Millennial generation chooses liberalism



If we were to choose one word to describe the Millennials it would have to be the world LIBERAL. According to multiple studies, which are now especially available in the USA because of the upcoming presidential election, our generation is the most liberal generation ever. Liberal stands are especially popular when it comes to gay rights, immigration, marijuana, and economics. We can learn about the other features of our generation by reading the research work of modern day sociologists, notably the fact that we are the largest generation in the USA. Millennials are also the most educated generation, but sadly the generation that has had to deal with the Great Recession. Our generation is bringing change, we were the part of Occupy Wall Street movement, we are part of Black Lives Matter and multiple other initiatives with the goal of making change happen and standing up for what’s right. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t live in the USA, but the fact that I know about these movements and share their goals is amazing enough. We might not all be in a position to attend a major protest organized by young people somewhere in the world, but we can all do small things and make them count. They are just as amazing as any big initiative.

Originally published in the Atlantic.

It takes a poet to change the world



Here is an example of one person making a huge impact. Christopher Soto, a queer latinx punk poet & prison abolitionist, is on a personal mission to end queer youth homelessness. These are kids who grew up facing domestic violence, not sure whether homelessness or home instability is the best way to describe the teen years of their lives. Today Christopher has a full time job but spends a lot of his time doing tours to raise awareness about the problem of queer youth homelessness. The goal is not just to raise awareness and educate people but also to raise money to donate to direct services for homeless queer youth. They say that the goal is simply to remind people that we need to fight homophobia and transphobia within the heteronormative household. Christopher is a great example of what is possible and achievable when you decide to raise your voice.

Originally published at

New millionaires and billionaires among the Millennials

Not all of us want to change the world, some of us just want to enjoy it. Being 19 years old was quite awesome – you were probably studying to get your BA degree, you traveled, you fell in love, basically you were young, free, and wild. Now imagine all that: being 19 years old and also becoming the world’s youngest billionaire! A lot of possibilities come to mind – travel destinations, shoes you could afford, concerts and festivals to attend, and friends to spoil. I am happy to tell you that this is not just a dream, at least not for Alexandra Andresen, a Norwegian girl who has inherited a 42.5 percent stake in her family’s investment company. And so she has become the world’s youngest billionaire. On the list of the richest young people of today, this girl is No 1. Now that’s girl power! Following her on the list is the world’s youngest self-made billionaire Evan Spiegel, the creator of Snapchat, and of course Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook.

Originally published at

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