World Youth Forum “Right to Dialogue”: Call for Papers

Association “Poesia e Solidarietà” in collaboration with. International Study and Documentation Centre for Youth Culture in University of Trieste (Italy) announced 8TH edition of the World Youth Forum “Right to Dialogue”. The even will be held from 2nd to 4th of October. Deadline to apply is June 10th.

The main theme of the event is“Old and new poverties. Europe and other worlds”. The following fields of discussion are suggested: values, culture of wealth / culture of well-being, strategies, new poverties.

Participants are invited to present their own proposals within the suggested fields of discussion bringing their own local experiences, views and inputs from different scientific fields in a transdisciplinary perspective.

The present call is addressed to young adults aged 18 to 35, without distinction as to nationality. Those who are interested in taking part to the Forum must apply by filling the form available on the organization’s website.

Interested youth may apply either as speakers or as auditors. Please note that organisers will provide a 4 nights accommodation and travel costs for an amount that will not exceed 500 € per person for speakers only.

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