Young Researchers Fellowship Programme For All Academic Backgrounds

Budding scientists wishing to gain hands-on experience in social science research are invited to join the young research fellowship programme.

BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) is social science research and post-graduate institute of BRAC University.

The fellowship programme will be four months long. It will include training, hands-on activities, and mentoring from senior researchers. 

All selected participants will receive a monthly honorarium. Participants will have the designation of trainee research associate (TRA) during the fellowship period.

The position demands full-time commitment, hence TRAs will not be able to hold another occupation during this period. 

The deadline is on Thursday 20th May 2021. 


Main Criteria

At least a bachelor’s degree, an updated CV, academic transcripts, a statement of purpose

Successful completion of mathematically involved coursework (as part of an undergraduate program or from online classes) or strong Graduate Record Examination (GRE) quantitative score, etc.

Find out more now. 

Another great opportunity here:

Rotary Peace Fellowship For Early-Career Professionals

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