So. You Want to Save the Planet?

The World Wide Fund for Nature has an opening through its Youth Volunteer Internship Programme for a 6-month assignment with WWF Solomon Islands, based in Gizo, Western Province.

WWF is running few global volunteer/internship programme for a select number of young people from all over the World. Current programme include a 6-month assignment with WWF Solomon Islands, based in Gizo, Western Province. The participation is fully funded. Starting date is flexible, approximately June 2015.

Volunteers responsibilities including: 

  • Assistment with the development of good proposals and concepts.
  • Review project documents with monitoring and strategic plans to coordinate quality of individual  project implementation and multiple projects to programmes.
  • Assist and guide staff wlth monitoring, performance towards objectives and adaptive management.
  • Monitor budgets of projects with spending and ensure quality of deliverables against funds.
  • Coordlnate staff work plans and activities, review progress against project outcomes.
  • Engage with donors to ensure deliverables, donor support needs, communications of reports and stories.

For required qualifications and to apply online visit WWF official website.


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