World Youth Forum “Right to Dialogue”: Call For Papers

Italian Associazione Poesia e Solidarietà in collaboration with International Study and Documentation Centre for Youth Culture are inviting young people to take part in World Youth Forum “Right to Dialogue”. The event will be held in Trieste  (Italy) from September 30th to October 2nd. Participation for selected speakers is funded. Deadline to apply is July 10th.


The World Youth Forum 2016 focuses on the topic “Work/labor”, considered from different points of view: in the economic perspective, as a function of the productive processes; in the cultural perspective, as a function of a specific way to conceive such processes; finally as human labor: the worker beyond the work.

All interested are invited to present their own proposals within the suggested fields of discussion, or to present different topics / panels (within the given general theme) bringing their own local experiences, views and inputs from different scientific fields in a transdisciplinary perspective (economics, social sciences, history, psychology, arts, cultural studies, political science).

The following fields of discussion are suggested:

  • Values;
  • Work between culture of wealth and culture of well-being, histories;
  • “Global” work;
  • New poverties: loss of work

Main criteria:

  • Young adults aged 18 to 35;
  • From all over the world;
  • Fluent in English or Italian.


Organizators will provide a 4 nights accommodation (lodging only) for the speakers and will contribute to the travel expenditure the speakers will have to bear, upon presentation of the travel documents (flight, train, bus tickets, boarding passes, etc.) by the speakers themselves. However, the amount of the reimbursement won’t exceed 90% of the expenditure, neither it will exceed, in any case, 400 € per person.

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