World’s Biggest David Bowie Mural Unveiled In Sarajevo

The world’s biggest David Bowie mural was unveiled and shown to the world in all of its beauty on May 28th. This project represents a four-month-long collaboration by Team Bowie, a group of David Bowie fans and art enthusiasts.

© photo by Feđa Krvavac for news portal Klix

Before the event itself, fans of David Bowie had an opportunity to send their pictures to the Sarajevo David Bowie mural Facebook page, and get David Bowie makeup. All social network interaction was supported by the #teamBowieSarajevo hashtag. Everything seemed even crazier when some of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s traditional folk singers were photoshopped as having David Bowie-style makeup, thus making them David Bowie fans, too.

© photo by Feđa Krvavac for news portal Klix

The original idea was Vedad Trbonja’s. Vedad is a professor of French language, and a singer. The actual illustration was done by Enis Čišić, who presented five phases of David Bowie’s music career. Zoran Herceg and students at The Academy of Fine Arts transferred the illustration, and made it all look even more remarkable. This is the part which makes it even more interesting. The illustration wasn’t done by a popular artist who would make a huge amount of money out of it. No, far from that. The mural was done by real David Bowie fans who invested their heart and soul into it.

photo by Feđa Krvavac for news portal Klix

The members of the Team Bowie group are: Enis Čišić, Zoran Herceg, Vedad Trbonja, Boris Stapić and Adnan Čomor.

photo by Feđa Krvavac for news portal Klix

The unveiling of the David Bowie mural happened on the campus of the University of Sarajevo. Thirteen meters high and ten meters long, it is presently the world’s biggest David Bowie mural. During the event, the guests were able to see an exhibition of photos showing the process of making this great work of art. After the exhibition, guests were given the opportunity of getting David Bowie stenciled art on their shirts.

© photo by Feđa Krvavac for news portal Klix



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