Win Adventure Trip To Spain With World Nomads

World Nomads inviting young people to apply for all-expenses-paid Spanish Food Adventure which is for three culinary explorers to embark on food-fueled assignments to uncover the local recipes, techniques and attitudes that make Spain a seriously celebrated food destination. Applications close on May 2.

This is the opportunity to go on a trip to learn from the producers, chefs and home cooks that are so passionately dedicated to Spanish cuisine. You could be scoffing churros and preparing patatas bravas in Madrid, cooking fideuàs and indulging in crema Catalana in Catalunya or perfecting a tortilla Espanola and gulping gazpacho in Andalucia – all right alongside the locals.

The 3 winners will receive:

  • A 7-day all-expenses-paid trip to Spain courtesy of TurespanaCulture Xplorers, and the regional tourism boards of AndaluciaMadrid and Catalunya;
  • Round-trip airfare from your country of residence to Spain;
  • Mentorship from local Spanish chefs, cooks and artisan providores.

In order to apply you should fill in online application form

Find out more.


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