Why Students Love Canada?

We’ve highlighted below some of the most recent developments and occurrences in youth-related news and events.

Why students love Canada?

There are hundreds of thousands of international students in Canada, and this country provides them a path to citizenship. Government’s strategy is to reshape Canadian demographics by having skilled and well-educated workers who will go through the university system. Problems such as slowing birthrate and aging population will be tackled with help for talend immingrants who will be educated. There are around 350,000 international students in this country, and in the next ten years they are expecting this number to go up to 500,000. Canada allows students to stay on more permanent basis and not only for the duration of the studies. Schools that will help international students learn the language before entering universities are planned to build, and many webisites of educational institutions are being translated to many languages including Chinese, Korean and Portugese.

100 times the correct dosage of caffeine given to two students

Two students from Northumbria University were given 100 times the correct dosage of caffeine in a science experiment that happened in March 2015. The experiment was supposed to measure the effect of caffeine on exercise, but they were left fighting for their lives. This overdose could have been fatal, and university has beein fined with £400,000. The staff at the Northumbria were not experienced enough to do it on their own, so university failed in its duty to make sure students are safe. They admitted the health and safety breach and said that they take the welfare of their students and staff seriously.

Rhodes Must Fall activist gets scholarship to study at Oxford

Joshua Nott, who is an active member of the Rhodes Must Fall campaign has accepted a £40,000 Rhodes scholarship to study at the University of Oxford. He was one of the students involved in the campaign to remove a statue of Cecil Rhodes from the University of Oxford, and campaigners wanted to do the same with the statue at Cape Town University that symbolised colonialism and racism. Nott has been branded as a hypocrit for accepting this scholarship. This is the second time anti-Rhodes activist was awarded the scholaship after Ntokozo Qwabe who was awarded last year.

Photo: Shutterstock

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