Why National Education Union Require First Aid for Schools In the UK

Nearly 8,000 children visit the emergency room daily due to school accidents. That's why the National Education Union requires all schools in the UK to have a first aid kit on hand. Schools should also have a designated person trained in first aid and can administer care if an accident occurs.

While most schools have a first aid kit, not all have someone on staff who is trained in how to use it. This can be a problem if an accident or health emergency does occur. Having someone on hand who knows how to administer first aid can make all the difference in a child’s recovery.


What Are The First-Aid Requirements At Schools?

The main purpose of first aid is to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery. To do this, certain items should be included in every first aid kit.

The essential item in any first-aid kit is a book or guide on how to administer first aid. This will help the person administering care to know what to do in any given situation. The first aid for schools can be different than that for the workplace or home.

Another essential item in any first-aid kit is a list of emergency numbers. This includes the phone number for poison control, as well as the number for the local police and fire department. Having this information on hand can help ensure that help is summoned as quickly as possible in an accident or health emergency.

Other items that should be included in a first-aid kit are:

    • Bandages of various sizes
    • Gauze pads
    • Antiseptic wipes or cream
    • Sterile gloves
    • Scissors
    • Tweezers
    • Safety pins
    • Cotton balls or swabs
    • Cold packs
    • Eyewash
    • Thermometer
    • Aspirin or ibuprofen (for adults)
    • Hydrocortisone cream (for insect bites)

In addition to these items, it’s also essential for the person administering care to have a list of emergency numbers on hand. This includes the number for 911 as well as the number for the poison control center.


What Should You Do If An Accident Occurs?

If an accident does occur, it’s essential to remain calm. You should first assess the situation and determine if the child is in any immediate danger. If they are, call 911 immediately.

Once you’ve determined that the child is not in immediate danger, you can then start to administer first aid. Begin by cleaning any cuts or scrapes with an antiseptic wipe or cream. If the wound is bleeding, apply pressure to it using a clean gauze pad.

If the child has difficulty breathing, check to see if their airway is blocked. If it is, attempt to clear it using the Heimlich maneuver or CPR.

Once you’ve administered first aid, it’s essential to stay with the child until help arrives. If their condition worsens, call 911 immediately.


What Are The Purpose of First Aid?

Everything that is done in first aid has a purpose. The primary purpose is to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery.


    • Prevent Injury

First-aiders have the potential to prevent minor injuries from becoming more serious. For example, if a child falls and scrapes their knee, the first-aider can clean and dress the wound to prevent further damage.

This can prevent infections or other complications from developing. It can also help to speed up the healing process.


    • Preserve Life

Life is the priority in any first-aid situation. The goal is to keep the person alive until they receive further medical treatment.

First-aid can be used to treat a variety of life-threatening conditions, such as:

Stopping Bleeding: Severe bleeding can lead to death if not treated quickly. First aid can help to stop the bleeding and prevent further blood loss.

Clearing an Airway: If someone is having difficulty breathing, it’s important to clear their airway. This can be done using the Heimlich maneuver or CPR.

Treating Shock: Shock is a condition that occurs when the body isn’t getting enough blood flow. It can be caused by severe blood loss, an allergic reaction, or a heart attack. If not treated quickly, it can lead to death.

First aid can help to treat shock by keeping the person warm and raising their feet above the level of their heart.


    • Protect 

When a child or adult is injured, they are vulnerable to further harm. First aid can help to protect them from further injury by stabilizing the situation and preventing further damage.

For example, if a child has a broken bone, the first-aider can splint the area to prevent further movement and protect against injury.


    • Relieve Pain

An injury can be excruciating. First aid can help to relieve pain by using techniques such as ice and elevation. Ice can help to reduce swelling and inflammation. Elevation can help to reduce pain and swelling by draining the fluids from the injury site.

They can also provide immediate relief from pain by using over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen or aspirin.


    • Aid In Recovery

Lastly, the goal of first-aid is to promote recovery. First aid can help to speed up the healing process by providing immediate treatment and care.

It’s important to note that first-aid is not a substitute for medical care. It’s only meant to be used in an emergency until professional help arrives.



Final Words

Schools are vulnerable to a range of accidents and emergencies. That’s why the National Education Union (NEU) requires all schools in the UK to have a first-aid kit and a trained first-aider on staff. First aid can be used to treat a variety of minor injuries and life-threatening conditions. It’s an integral part of keeping children safe at school.


Photo: Ground Picture/Shutterstock


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