Why Gen Z Are Job Hopping

Gen Z is topping the list of job hoppers worldwide. They have been noted for their record-breaking urge to change jobs in shorter periods. In LinkedIn data, 25 percent say they hope or plan to leave their employers in the next six months, compared with 23 percent of millennials and 18 percent of GenX. What is the reason for this?

Research has it that, various events that take place over a period of time have an impact on the generations’ attitude to work.


Generations Before Gen Z

Baby Boomers born between 1946 and 1964 are said to be influenced by some events that left them optimistic and prosperous.  This made them feel as if they didn’t need to leave because they had a job that paid well and allowed them to live comfortably. The Civil Rights Movement, the moon landing, the end of the two World Wars, and the idea of pursuing the American Dream all contributed to the feeling of optimism and prosperity.

Gen X born between 1965 and 1980, also experienced having access to the best education possible in the United States, the fall of the Berlin Wall, a sign of freedom and victory, the emergence of dual-income families, and the energy crisis. They juggled freedom and responsibilities. They are independent, resourceful, and individualistic because they have grown up taking care of themselves while moms have started to work. They are loyal and work with no or little supervision.

Millennials born between 1981 and 1997, were recorded as the largest generation after baby boomers in 2021.  They experienced the Great Recession which affected earnings and the cost of living for years — from 2001 to 2009. They also experienced technological breakthroughs, an increase in terrorism, and high divorce rates. They want to be heard and want to change roles regularly. They are known as the ‘We Culture’. Years ago, the Millennials were dragged into the same pool as Gen Z, and in recent times sit shoulder to shoulder with Gen Z.


Events That Shaped Gen Z

This generation born from 1997 to 2015 are persons who enjoyed and keep enjoying access to the internet and portable digital technology from a young age. Each person in this category has been dubbed a digital native even if one is not digitally literate. Due to the worldwide system of the internet, global events have actively shaped their views of the world. To name a few, the usage of smartphones, terrorism, war, gun violence, climate change, gender equality, and social networking are some of the events that have shaped Gen Z.

The pandemic also made a remarkable impact. Introducing the luxury of working in the comfort of their homes has helped in the rise of remote jobs all over the world. This nature has made switching jobs easier. According to LinkedIn data, Gen Z employees compared to previous generations are changing jobs at a 134 percent higher rate than in 2019. Blame it on COVID-19 or not, the number keeps rising.


Gen Z’s Perspective

“We do not want jobs, we want life experiences,” Liana Hakobyan made this profound statement during a TEDx Talk in June 2019. She is a co-founder and Head of Growth at Breedge, an online platform that helps companies to find candidates for various positions. Prior to starting Breedge, she worked in three different companies as a marketing and business development assistant and as a market research freelancer at the age of 19. 

She emphasized younger generations’ desire to have career control, and enjoy better benefits and flexibility. Also, Gen Z has fears of being stagnant in the same place. To her, job switching is not a Gen Z thing but a gap between the companies and their generation. From research conducted, she disclosed five factors that are most important in their desire to switch jobs. These are professional development, team, salary, job content, and company culture. This generation aside from experiencing personal growth wants to grow professionally. Desire to be mentored by people who have walked their path and interestingly with fewer job experiences are aware of their worth.



Photo: Ground Picture/Shutterstock


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