Who is the Biggest Narcissist? Check Out New Study

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the biggest narcissist of all? Simple answer: men. At least these are the claims of a new study from the University of Buffalo.

The study is based upon 355 scholarly papers and interviews that have covered about 450 000 participants. According to lead author Emily Grijalva “narcissism is associated with various interpersonal dysfunctions that include an inability to maintain long-term relationships, unethical behavior and aggression”. 

Even so, it can also boost your self-esteem, your emotional stability and might get you to emerge as a leader. 

The research team examined the gender differences in the following key narcissism indicators – leadership/authority, grandiose/exhibitionism and entitlement. Their findings suggest that the biggest difference between men and women was in the entitlement indicator, which suggests that men are more likely than women to take advantage and exploit others. The gap is also big in the leadership/authority section, where men exhibit more assertiveness and desire for power than women.

According to Grijalva the reason for the lack of women in senior leadership roles could be partly attributed to stereotypes about women and leading roles, meaning that narcissism could not be something you are born with but rather something you have grown-upped with.

The study also suggests that there hasn’t been a big change in the narcissistic tendencies over the past 25 years and neither men, nor women have shown any evidence that their gender has become more or less narcissistic. It may seem that even in the 21st century stereotypes about the role of women is still pursuing.

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