Check Out Best Neighborhoods for Young Professionals

Many young people around the world consider moving to a new city or even country for studying or for a new job, and weighing pros and cons of the new destination is an essential part of the process of choosing. For many, aspects like cheaper rent, better paying jobs and leisure facilities are among the most important but the number one aspect that concerns everyone is safety.

This is exactly the reason why came up with a ranking of the 2014’s Best Neighborhoods for Young Professionals. For creating the ranking, MoveHub considered aspects such as safety and well paid jobs; however, all of the neighborhoods are still cool enough to constitute an attraction for young people.

Prospect Heights in Brooklyn, NYC came up first, as it is the financial, cultural and media hub of the eastern United States. It provides a wide range of opportunities for young professionals and the salaries are often some of the highest. Brooklyn also offers subway connections to Manhattan and the rent in Prospect Heights is cheaper than in other neighborhoods.

Brooklyn was followed by Hackney in London for being the “hipsterdom” of the United Kingdom, with a variety of organic food stores and custom bike shops. Surry Hills in Sydney, Australia came third, as it is home to the Sydney rag trade and many vintage clothing stores. Overall, Australian economy is one of the strongest worldwide and seems to be avoided by the global crises.

Continental Europe’s representative in the ranking was Bornheim in Germany’s Frankfurt am Mein, as it belongs to Europe’s important financial centers and is much quieter than e.g. Berlin. Bornheim in particular is Frankfurt’s youngest and trendiest neighborhood that is well connected to the central part of the city.

Asia was represented in the ranking by North Point, Hong Kong and Holland Village in Singapore. Hong Kong attracts young people with a variety of employment possibilities and Singapore has been ranked one of the world’s top three financial centers.

Green Point in Cape Town was the only neighborhood in Africa featured in the report. It offers everything the visitors expect from South Africa – sun, beaches, safaris – while also being a safe point not far from the central Cape Town.

See the full list.

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