In the middle of November, a press conference was held at the Russian Center of Science and Art which was dedicated to the project “The World in the Palm of the Hand: Prague Dreams on Christmas 2”. The premiere of the project will take place on the 23rd of December at the “Hybernia” theater.
The following people participated in the conference: Alex Vernik, a director of the play; Ladislav Bubnar, the finalist in the “Superstar” TV show and a participant in the “New Wave 2017” festival; Ilya Judichev, a participant in the “Voice 1” TV show produced by the First Channel; Andrej Merkuriev, a respected artist in Russia; and Natalia Misjura, the chief choreographer of the musical.
After the opening speech, which was delivered by the representative of Rossotrudnichestvo (Russian Cooperation) Leonid Hamza, Alex Vernik took the floor and told the audience that Ladislav Bubnar, a participant in various international song contests and a finalist in the Czech-Slovak show “Superstar”, was the author of the project as well as the “generator of ideas”. The artist expressed his hopes that the charity project “The World in the Palm of the Hand”, and the musical in particular, would help children from orphanages to discover their talent and find a path in life. Mr. Bubnar, who grew up in an orphanage himself, recounted the problems which orphans have to face; he also told the audience about his participation in different promotional events intended to help children in need. He closed his speech with the song “Lady Carnaval” by Carl Gott.
Ladislav Bubnar
Ladislav Bubnar was not the only participant in the press-conference who impressed the audience with his talents. For instance, Ilya Judichev performed a song “In memory of Caruso” which he sang to win the hearts of the jury at the “Voice” TV show. The students of Natalia Misjura, the youngest of whom was just 9 years old, demonstrated their dancing skills to the guests at the event.
The students of Natalia Misjura
At the end of the press conference, journalists asked the director of the musical a few questions. One of them concerned the music which was used in the play. “It should be seen as a mix, a synthesis of modern and classic art. A lot of Czechs are asking whether they should go to this musical and whether they would capture its essence. My answer is ‘Yes’ because the language of dance and song does not require translation”, said Mr. Vernik, “We want to cultivate a taste for the classics in small children through such a fabulous form, where classical performances are performed side by side with modern choreography. The circus artists, such as aerial gymnasts and equilibrists, will also take part in our performance. It will be really fascinating.”
The director was also asked questions about surprises and discoveries which he might have experienced while working with children. “Frankly speaking, I haven’t found anything surprising about the children, because Stanislavsky used to say that you would be able to create anything you want, if you work with children. There isn’t a single honored artist who would be able to show such sincerity in communication with the audience.” Alex Vernik also enthusiastically noted that prominent artists have agreed to work with young talents for free, just for the sake of helping the orphans.
Another question concerned the process of selecting young artists. “Our production center is rather new in business, but we have organized a lot of campaigns during which we managed to bring in the core of our talent team, with which we are currently working. From now on, the orphans will also participate in our project. It is a great honor for Ladislav; he personally selects the children with whom he will be playing on this very stage”, answered the director.
At the concluding part of the conference, the guests and the journalists had a chance to see the final part of the musical written by Ilya Judichev; the artists also distributed invitations to the performance.
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