Valentine’s Day Heart Creativity in New York

Valentine's Day one of the most famous holidays among youngsters. it's bringing one special atmosphere, decorations around the town, inventive theme-parties and many more. And there is a town which is definitely one step ahead when it comes to celebration of the most romantic day in the year.

Every year New York City is starting the preparations for the 14th of February couple of months earlier, when Times Square Alliance opens a competition for a Valentine’s Day heart sculpture. This year’s winner is a solution of studio Stereotank, HeartBeat, which is designed as a glowing drum-heart which was placed on Times Square on 9th of February. Watch the video.

The HeartBeat consists of six instruments including xylophone and tumbadora, and passengers can freely come to play the drums, dance around, sing, and feel the vibrations of the heart, wrapped with the soft red pulsing light. The sculpture is also originally playing deep sound of the heartbeat, even when no one is playing the drums. Sara Valente and Marcelo Ertorteguy from Stereotank are explaining the idea behind the HeartBat: “What’s common between Love and Music? Love is about sharing and being ‘in tune’ with somebody, so it is the creation of music, a concert is a combined action where the performers are also ‘in tune’ creating harmony. Heartbeat orchestrates Times Square’s unique, active, flickering atmosphere. It’s like a melting pot of heartbeat sounds, just like New York City.”

The interactive sculpture will remain in New York until the Women’s Day, 8th of March.

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