Utrecht Excellence Scholarships For Masters Students

This scholarship program based out of the Netherlands offers many different masters majors full scholarships to the university.

The Utrecht Excellence Scholarship (UES) is a highly selective programme meant for talented international students from outside the European Economic who seek to pursue a Master’s degree at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.



  • Belong to the top 10% of your graduating class;
  • Not hold an EU/EEA passport and not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans;
  • Have completed your secondary school and/or Bachelor’s degree outside the Netherlands;
  • Have applied for an international Master’s programme with a start date of 1 September, 2022. Not all programmes participate, please check UU masters > Master’s programme > Tuition fees and financial support to see if the Utrecht Excellence Scholarship is mentioned as a scholarship opportunity.



  • All tuition fees
  • All tuition fees, plus the required income linked to a residence permit for study for one year.
  • In a 2-years Master’s programme the scholarship can be renewed for the second year.



The deadline for all applications is 31 January 2022, (11:59 CET). The results will be communicated in April to the scholarship winners.



You will see the UES application(s) in your Osiris Online Application account dashboard, after submitting an application to the university. Click view/edit for the UES linked to the programme you wish to apply for.


Picture: Shutterstock / ID:1132108676

There are plenty more opportunities for masters study scholarships, like this one.

The Danish Government Scholarship for Graduate Studies


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