US-Russia Social Project Competition

Organizations in Russia and the US are encouraged to apply for funding of up to $43,000 to implement a bilateral social project. This year’s themes are social inclusion, technology and innovation for social good, social entrepreneurship, and youth engagement. The deadline is on 14 June 2020.

Apply for US-Russia Social Project Competition

The US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE) is a diverse network of Russian and U.S. professionals and social entrepreneurs engaged in a meaningful exchange of ideas and best.

Current initiatives include collaborative projects between US and Russian organizations, fellowships for independent professionals, and youth media exchanges.

All of these initiatives are focused on finding solutions to pressing social issues common to the US and Russia.

Projects may request funding of up to $43,000 for projects that focus on various topics, including but not limited to the increasing involvement of youth in the social sphere and cultivating their participation in international dialogue; increasing involvement of people with disabilities in social life, employment, and sports; and creating initiatives to encourage social entrepreneurship and technological innovation.

Once funding is secured, projects must be implemented within 12 months.

Projects will be selected based on the extent of demonstrated need for the project among target groups, its relevance, impact and future potential.

The deadline is on 14 June 2020.


Main criteria

  • Projects must include one US-based partner and one Russia-based partner as implementing organizations
  • Project applications must be submitted by the US-based partner on behalf of the partnership as funds will be distributed to the US lead organization to manage on behalf of the partnership
  • Events must impact at least 250 direct beneficiaries in each country (500 total)

Photo: Shutterstock / Photomontage: Martina Advaney

Find out more about US-Russia Social Project Competition and other opportunities.

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