UNESCO International Announced Essay Competition

The Goi Peace Foundation and UNESCO International announced essay competition dedicated to 70th anniversary of UNESCO. Essays may be submitted by anyone up to 25 years old. Deadline is June 15th 2015.

The theme of the contest is “Building Peace in Our Hearts and Minds.”  As it is written in official description “today’s young people are crucial for the shaping of our future, it is imperative that they are enabled to develop to their full potential. UNESCO’s objective is to help empower young people and ensure that their contributions are taken into account. This annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world’s youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development.”

Essays may be submitted by anyone up to 25 years old. There are actually two age categories: children (up to 14) and youth (up to 25).  The text have to be up to 700 words and written in English, French, Spanish or German. It may be typed or printed.


First and second prize winners will get money and special certificate. The winner will be also invited to the award ceremony in Tokyo, scheduled for December 2015.

Find out more on Goi Peace Foundation website

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