“Youth for Change” UNAOC-EF Summer School in NY. Application is Now Open

The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and EF Education First (EF) are pleased to announce the third edition of their UNAOC-EF Summer School for youth aged 18 to 35. Applications deadline: 9 March 2015.

The UNAOC-EF Summer School’s interactive program of workshops, discussions and site visits provides the participants with hands-on experience on how to address shared social challenges across diverse communities and religions.  Specifically, the Summer School focuses on how to better understand diversity, manage and promote it, and how to leverage differences in identity to shape a world that is healthier, safer, more peaceful and inclusive. Different approaches are applied, including advocacy, narratives, multimedia, negotiation, theater, and social entrepreneurship.

The event will take place at EF’s New York campus in Tarrytown, NY, USA from 13 to 20 of June 2015. 

The UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser says: “The Summer School was established as a way to give young people the opportunity to learn from each other and trail-blaze new paths to peace and inclusiveness.” 

Registration is open. The application process includes the submission of a resume as well as essay questions on past achievements and future impact potential. The selected participants will be notified in April. Last year, more than 100,000 youth expressed their interest to take part in the weeklong discussions and dialogues at the Summer School.

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