Two Youth Events to Attend In Post-Soviet States

If you have grown weary of youth conferences based on the “Western” model, you should give some attention to the “East” and apply for participation in events of the Eurasian Youth Economic Forum, which will take place in late September and early October in Yekaterinburg (Russia) and Dushanbe (Tajikistan).    

The first event is the I Youth economic forum of Russia and Azerbaijan “Russia and Azerbaijan: opportunities for growth – will be held from September 30 till October 2 in the city of Yekaterinburg, which is in the Urals.

Regardless of its title, the geography of the Forum’s participants will not be limited as the event will be an open discussion platform for all young people (aged up to 35 years) who wish to develop expanded cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan at the level of youth organizations.        

Participation in the forum is free, and accommodation and meals will be covered by the event managers. Participants must pay their individual visa fees and travel expenses.

The format of the second event is similar to that of the first, but it has a different topic – the I Youth forum of intellectual youth of Russia and Tajikistan. This forum will take place from October 12 till October 14 in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan. The terms of participation are identical to the first forum.

In order to travel to Dushanbe or Yekaterinburg, you must register on the website of the International Youth Movement Eurasian Youth Economic Forum. Please note that the working language of these forums is Russian.    

EYEF has been organized at the initiative of the Ural State University of Economics (USUE), and currently conducts its activities under the auspices of the Russian State Duma and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs of the Russian Federation, and other major Russian governmental agencies.

The main event organized by the Movement is the Eurasian Youth Economic Forum which takes place every spring in Yekaterinburg.

The III Youth economic forum Russia – Kazakhstan is the latest event which was organized by the Movement. It took place in Sochi from September 14 till September 16 in the framework of the XXI Forum of interregional cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan.  

On the first day of the Forum there was an expert symposium concerning “The development of new and innovative approaches towards ensuring food security”, where experts from Krasnodar spoke about economic policy, entrepreneurship, financial markets, agriculture, and industry. Saltanat Rakhimbekova, chairwoman of the Board of Association of Legal Entities “Coalition for a Green economy” and G-Global Development, conducted a master-class on the topic of “EXPO-2017 Future Energy”.

Second day of the Youth Forum of the event was attended by both Russian and Kazakh senior government officials among whom were Alexander Tsybulsky, the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and Takir Balykbaev, the Vice-Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  The outcome of the plenary session was the signing of several agreements on cooperation between young people of the two nations. The most important of them is the Memorandum on the Establishment of the International Youth Movement Today’s Student – Tomorrow’s EXPOnent which will be tailored specifically for the youth platform at EXPO 2017 in Astana. Besides, there are prospects for expanding the activities of the youth movement within the framework of the annual EXPO.  

Moreover, in the course of the Forum there were presentations of scientific and research projects which were delivered by the finalists of the “Food Security” contest. Daria Levina from the Ural State University of Economics, who had presented the project for developing recipes and technologies for gluten-free types of bread, won this contest while representing Russia. Sergei Lutai from the D. Serikbayev East-Kazakhstan State Technical University brought in a project for developing engineering processes for nanobiocomposites to stimulate plant growth, and won the contest while representing Kazakhstan.

According to Mikhail Fedorov, the rector of the USUE, despite the fact that there were only two winners, many of the projects developed by those in attendance could be put into production right away.        


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