We’ve highlighted below some of the most recent developments and occurrences in youth-related news and events.
Student Debt in the UK Rises Over £100 Billion
New data released by the Student Loans Company for previous academic year shows that student debt in the UK has been more than £100 billion for the first time ever. These figures show significant increase of 16.6 percent in contrast to last year. This means that debt has increased from £86.2 billion to £100.5 billion. Most of students in debt come from England that owes £76.2 billion alone. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland also saw an increase in debt, but not in the same scale as England. Since 2012 universities have charged significantly higher tuition fees and this is considered to be main reason for such a staggering amount owed by students. Many analysts believe that many students will never be able to pay off their student loans in full.
Tutors from Cambridge warned not to call students ”geniuses”
Examiners from Cambridge University are warned not to call students ”geniuses” or ”flair” because these words are associated with men. The reason for this decision was the meaning of these terms that carries assumptions of gender inequality. Lecturer Lucy Delap said that men got more first class degrees at Cambridge and Oxford and that females struggle in ”male dominated environment” at the university. The words such as ”genius” has been for a long time associated with qualities that are usually ascribed to male. University wants to use language that is transparent and avoid ”very vague talk.”
Compulsory courses in Chinese and Chinese culture for foreign students
Compulsory courses in Chinese, country’s culture and law will be provided for foreign students in this country. New regulations state that students pursuing higher education diplomas in China will have to take these courses. There are around 450,000 international students, most of them coming from South Korean, United States and Thailand. Universities where international students study are obliged to respect their cultural and religious background, but they are not required to provide and venue for their religious activities. Universities will also be required to have ”instructors” for foreign students in China in order to provide counselling, information and recreational activities.
Photo & collage: Martina Advaney
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