Top Critical Soft Skills For Job Seekers

In today's fast-paced and thriving economy, employers globally are engaged in tight competition for top talent in all industries. Degrees and credentials are important, but the development of soft skills is a crucial part of fostering a dynamic workforce. You may have certain soft skills that are high in demand and can be added to your CV to help you stay ahead of other job seekers.

Soft skills consist of a combination of people, social, and communication skills, character traits, attitudes, and mindset, as well as emotional characteristics, among others, which are sought in all professions and industries. Research shows that 97 percent of employers say that soft skills are as important or more important than hard skills and that most of their new employees that fail within 18 months do so because they lack soft skills. Now, let’s take a look at some critical soft skills that are in demand.



Communication skills involve active listening and excellent presentation and writing capabilities. It is one of the highly sought-after skills; the ability to explain concepts to your bosses, partners, customers, and coworkers, and also the ability to express yourself well, so the person on the other side of the conversation thoroughly understands you whether in person, on the phone, or in writing. Organizations want employees who can not only communicate their own ideas but who also listen to others. Listening is an important skill, especially in customer service jobs.


Critical Thinking

No matter what job you are looking for, employers want candidates who can analyze situations, come up with solutions and make informed decisions. Whatever industry you find yourself in, critical thinking is extremely important. The ability to use your imagination and reasoning power to fundamentally understand and then resolve issues will distinguish you from other candidates. 


A Growth Mindset 

When it comes to ensuring longevity and success in your career, you need to be able to grow and adapt to the changing scene within your industry and the job market. Having a growth mindset means motivating yourself to reach higher levels of achievement by continuously learning new skills and knowledge to move with a changing market. Showcase your growth mindset by introducing a new skill or idea to better do your job or help you keep up with industry-wide changes.  



In today’s innovation-driven economy, creativity is an asset in the corporate space. Aside from promoting an innovative workplace culture, creative employees are also more in demand due to competitive industry growth, and the adoption of the technological system spanning all industries. Hence, creativity is critical which requires new solutions and thinking on the feet. To gain this skill you need to develop techniques that aid in promoting creative thinking processes.



While creativity, communication skills, etc. are all relevant skills that can make you a great employee, leadership skills will raise you even further. No matter the job, most employers and hiring managers are looking for someone who can grow beyond that role. Someone who can grow into taking leadership roles, leading teams to success, and taking the team to the next level aside from executing the assigned role. This makes you an attractive investment for the hiring company.


Conflict Resolution

In any organization, with more than one employee, it is natural, that there is going to be conflict. Therefore, being able to resolve issues with co-workers will help you maintain relationships. Being able to constructively work through disagreements with people is a sure indicator of maturity and leadership potential. This helps to promote a healthy, collaborative workplace.


Emotional Intelligence

In recent years, various business industries have started to place an ever-higher emphasis on building a positive and productive work culture. Your ability to identify, perceive, evaluate, and manage not just your emotions, but those of others is a critical skill any employer wants. Managing people can be tough if you can manage, and influence, workers’ emotions positively it helps build a thriving working environment and wellness and promote teamwork, especially in a workforce with diverse cultural differences.


Photo: muse studio/Shutterstock


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