Teenagers use the Internet for everything from social networking to doing homework and school projects, but little do they know that it can also be used to help. Here are five major websites that have a genuine impact on youth’s desire to help the world become a better place, according to Mashable.
Countless youth are now the proud founders of charities that dedicate both money and time to help teens in need. Their altruistic side has empowered an increasing number of young people to step in and be the change they want to see and has convinced them to devote resources to either solving problems or attracting donations.
This social network is dedicated to young people who wish to enter the battle against world problems. In this community, students can write their ideas and ask for suggestions from members. Enacting a solution can be done via ‘Action Tools.’
This website emphasizes three-step solutions where youth can select a world issue such as animal welfare or clean water, choose a solution that is either provided by organizations or created by youth and ‘Make it Happen’ by raising money on the project’s page and spreading the world.
This interactive social network is aimed at ‘youth who want to make a difference’ and contains challenges based on the age inputted by the user. Therefore, if an eight-year-old accesses KooDooz, he would not be able to see challenges that relate to violence while older users would be able to see a longer list of challenges that deserve their attention.
Keep in mind that this social network requires users to register in order to access information and challenges.
Although DoSomething.org has a simple interface, it has plenty of teen-related content that can be easily found via the ‘How Long?’ search criteria, which allows teens to find projects based on how much time they can commit. This website also offers grants to some projects, as well as online resources.
FreeRice appeals to a wide audience of users, from teenagers to adults who can answer questions in return for donating rice to communities in need. The website was created by a father looking to prepare his son for the SATs, but it quickly turned into a large community of educators and students. For each correct answer, sponsors donate grains of rice.
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