Top 4 International Programs in Asia You Still Have Time To Join

Have you ever thought of packing your luggage, travelling to an exotic country in Asia to study? If yes, now you can probably make it without paying (or just pay a little!) by taking a look at these 4 programs.

International Development Youth Forum

Age: 18 – 28

Classification: Development, Education.

Date: 6 – 13/3.

Application process:  9/9.

Location: Japan

Program type: forum

Why Youth Time chooses:          

  • A chance to connect with 50 other outstanding leaders from all over the world.
  • Work in group with the support from professional advisors to discuss and solve the problem sustainably.
  • You will have an opportunity to present the outcome of your group work to the public audiences. The experts from a wide variety of fields will be invited to the competition and will give you a feedback. The best plan will be chosen by strict judgment followed by commendation.
  • Immerse yourself in Japanese culture and lifestyle.

Program fee: 280 USD (not including travel expense). You can apply for fully-funded scholarship.

Global Youth Peace Festival

Age: 18 – 22

Classification: Culture, Peace, Sustainable Development.

Date: 29/9 – 2/10 

Location: India

Program type: conference.

Why Youth Time chooses:          

  • Network opportunity.
  • Do you have any projects or ideas and want to spread it to the world? Great! Grab this chance because there will be 50 selected projects presented and exhibited at the conference.
  • A chance to discover beautiful India!

Program fee: 160 – 210 USD (not including travel expense).

It’s not so difficult to find an appropriate opportunity to go aboard, study and step out of your comfort zone. And now, it’s time to pack your clothes, book flight tickets and fly to Asia to learn, show the world who you are, raise your voice for the common benefit and discover amazing Asia also.

CommTECH Insight Camp

Age: not limited.

Classification: Technology, Engineering.

Date: Not announced yet

Application process: usually 1/10 – 5/1

Location: Surabaya (Indonesia)

Program type: camp.

Why Youth Time chooses:         

  • Network opportunity with outstanding students from ASEAN, Australia, Germany, France…
  • Quality of the program is guaranteed, ranking from accommodation, meals, sub-courses, outdoors activities to other services.
  • Immersing into Indonesian culture and lifestyle: making batik, studying Bahasa language, tasting local food, climbing Bromo mountain and rafting.

Program fee: You can apply for full scholarship cost 1,600 USD (10 slots), 50% scholarship cost 800 USD (10 slots) or partial scholarship cost 600 USD (5 slots).

Semester at Sea

Age: 18 – 23

Classification: Training

Date: Various terms

Application process: always active.

Location: Asian and African countries.

Program type: Training

Why Youth Time chooses: Once-in-a-lifetime values:

  • Tuition – up to 15 semester credits.
  • All meals aboard the ship.
  • All academically required field labs.
  • Full-time, on-site residential student services staff.
  • Advisement and assistance by ISE Student Services.
  • And a journey to 15 big cities of 11 countries, from Asia to Africa!

Program fee: 23,950 – 29,950. You can apply for scholarship.

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