The Young Cultural Innovators Forum

The Young Cultural Innovators Forum offers an opportunity for participants to be part of an intensive program taking place at Schloss Leopoldskron in Salzburg, Austria, from 22-27 October, 2019. The deadline is on 30 August 2019.

Apply for Cultural Innovators Forum

The network is multi-disciplinary and encompasses creative disciplines ranging from the visual and performing arts, literature, and cultural heritage, to foods, fashion, architecture, and design.

Selected participants may be eligible to receive support to participate in the YCI program including the session fee, room and board, and travel costs.

Main criteria

  • To qualify, all applicants must be 25–35 years of age, proficient in English, the working language of the Forum, and have at least 2–3 years of professional experience in the arts and culture sector;
  • All applicants must submit the following information: a brief bio, passport-size photo, a CV/Resume including name and email address of 2 references.

Your personal statement (approx. 500 words) should include the following details:

  • Your motivation for applying to the Young Cultural Innovators Forum;
  • A description of the biggest issue facing you in your work;
  • What you will contribute to the local and global YCI network;
  • How your participation will have an impact on your local community.

Find out more.

Read more here.

István Kovács: The Topic of War Keeps Finding Me

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