The Stockholm Treaty Lab Au Prize 2017

Teams of young people from all over the world that drafts a forward-looking, innovative, and workable model treaty that aims to encourage investment in climate change mitigation and adaptation are welcome to compete for the Stockholm Treaty Lab Au Prize 2017. Participants must register their intent to participate in the competition no later than 1 September 2017, and submit their entries no later than 1 December 2017.

Ambitious targets for curbing global warming were laid out in the 2015 Paris Agreement and its Sustainable Development Goals. The Stockholm Treaty Lab Prize aims to address the “policy gap” between the objectives of the international climate change agreements, and the outcomes that those agreements envisioned.

The Stockholm Treaty Lab Prize will be awarded to the contestant team that drafts a forward-looking, innovative, and workable model treaty that aims to encourage investment in climate change mitigation and adaptationThe winning treaty will be one that, if implemented, will create transparent, stable, and enforceable investment policy regimes. And it will have the potential to encourage investors to fund low-carbon projects, support technological innovation, and otherwise invest in a sustainable future.

The Stockholm Treaty Lab will cover all expenses for the winning team to travel to one or more global forums to present its Model Treaty to high-level stakeholders.

Entries must be submitted in English and consist of three parts:

  • A text of the Model Treaty.
  • An argument demonstrating how the Model Treaty meets the Assessment Criteria. Maximum 25 single-spaced pages.
  • A brief introduction of the contestant team.

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