12 Useful Websites And Apps For Students

A lot of students asking me every day what kind of websites do I use for university to get some extra information or just aids for classes. Today, options for students to expand their knowledge have become way easier. Out there are many websites and applications that will help gain knowledge and also improve skills to manage time, improve writing, socialize with other students and so on. Here is the list of the most important of them.


It covers talks on topics such as science, technology, culture, innovation, design. Usually, videos are up to 18 minutes, for that, they tend to not lose the audience. It is considered as a credible website, and could be a big help on projects.


Coursera offers around 1,026 online courses to students worldwide. Courses are directly from universities and cover subjects like physics, humanities, medicine, biology, engineering, mathematics, business, computer science, and other relevant courses. Around 12 million students enjoy the service Coursera offers them. You can simply sign in, and choose the course you want to be part of. It’s ideal for students that want to go beyond their classes, but also for the type of students that want to learn new things.

The University of Reddit

The University of Reddit is pretty much like Coursera. It offers a variety of free courses online and very easy accessible. Once you sign in, you have your own e-mail – @ureddit.com. This is not a credited university, meaning that you can’t earn any credits by attending it, simply a website where you get knowledge.


Dictionary is a must-have! Everyday students deal with big and complex words, and you are just one click away to find out what that means. It has become way easier now with the technology. You might either have it on your smartphone or you can go online on your computer.

Ninja Essay

There is a very easy way to have a better performance on the assignment that you turn in. You can check your Essay on Ninja Essay. T


Audible allows you to listen to your favorite books on an audio version. Whether you’re at the gym, at work, or waiting, it allows you to listen to your favorite books on an audio version. This is an amazon company, which means that besides digital audiobooks, it also provides services like radio and TV programs, an audio version of magazines and newspapers. It’s a perfect way to spend your time productively.


Grammarly is an online website that helps you perform better on writing by detecting 10x more mistakes than the Word processor. It can be used online or in download form, that could be linked directly to your word document, and be ready to use once it is downloaded. There are limitation usages on your free plane, once you upgrade it, you will have the chance to use it. You can also get Grammarly for your emails, where the software checks automatically whatever you write on your email box.


If you have ever searched for some expert guidelines regarding your academic curriculum or suggestions for a university application, Writing Metier is the place to go. It’s a copywriting service that uses its blog to provide excellent academic writing tips for students of different fields. They can also suggest topic ideas for your assignments or proofread your draft as per your request.


If you are a type of student that constantly forgets to switch you mobile phone while in class, Studious has a solution for you. By downloading this app, which works for Android only, it will automatically turn you phone in silence while in class, by simply putting your schedule. Moreover, it is a great app for your homework and tests reminder, you can also save notes.


Your instructor might tell you to stay away from Wikipedia or refer it on any of your essays, but it could really be helpful when it comes to topics that you don’t know about. Students tend to use this website to get general knowledge about their topic or any relevant case. It is true that everyone can write on it, but that doesn’t mean everything in there is false, any statement that has not been cited in Wikipedia, gets deleted.


If flashcards are an easy way for you to study, than StudyBlue will be ideal for your solution. You can download it as an app, where you can have them electronically wherever you go, without carrying them printed. Have them wherever you go. It also offers an online library study materials. Based on other people’s review to this application, they say that this app has improved their performance at university.

Dragon Dictation

It’s just like having someone with you, where you speak and someone else writes. It turns your voice to an actual text. Nuance dictated a message, email, Facebook status or even Tweet. It is five times faster than typing. You can also dictate yourself a personal note or in case you need a reminder.

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