The Difficulties of Positivity and Motivation

Positivity, procrastination and motivation. With a tough year behind us, it has been hard for all of us to raise our game due to our current situation. We look at why that could be?

The last year has taken a toll on everyone’s health in one shape or another, but the message for positivity has continued throughout. Although fair, it can have its issues.

The Torture of Positivity

The 21st Century is marked by one specifically, eclectically mix of philosophy, psychology, theology, spirituality known under by the term new age.

Think positive, talk positive, work positive, live positive, do positive: those are the main, most repetitive keywords of this new age.

The torture of positivity is everywhere and it seems that the internet is full of motivational videos that are part of the industry of happiness.


Are we really guilty?

The main result is obvious: If you are sad, you are guilty because you didn’t try harder, if you are not successful, you are guilty.

If you are not motivated, you are guilty, and your energy is low. Everything is in you, there is nothing beyond you. The circle is never-ending.

These days, people are under pressure to be the most successful, the happiest, and the best version of themselves.

But the problem is that human nature cannot be programmed by those simple instructions that are more like encouragement than anything else it pretends to be.

Black Mirror describes these conditions realistically asking one of the most important questions: When have we lost our humanity?

The psychology of self-motivation.


Today if we cannot do something or feel encouraged, we turn on YouTube for some motivational video. And after it ends, we are on to the next.

It seems that next never ends. We need more knowledge, we are following instructions: the more we swallow motivational content, we are increasingly hungry.

It is totally ok to follow successful stories and try to be better day by day. But the most important thing is to work on our goals, be productive, and work on our self-discipline.

If we are thinking that today we are not motivated enough and that we should take a dose of instant motivation, then something that we purport to be motivated is transformed into procrastination.

And this process is so perfidious that it can easily deceive us and make us believe that we are actually doing something.

But the truth is totally opposite: We are wasting precious time and energy. We are procrastinating.


The content of the procrastination

What should all of us do not to be addicted to motivational content in a way to really believe in ourselves, but honestly and not under anyone’s expectations?

The answer is simple, we should work, we should practice more our skills and be self-discipline. That is the only way to succeed in something and to have real results.

Procrastination is a mix of fear and delay. Delaying is a consequence of the fear of failure. And we are again in the circle, on the start point.


Ask real philosophies for the help

Hopefully, they are great answers to all of those questions in 19th Century philosophy of Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, David Hume, and Friedrich Schiller and I am sure many others.

Friedrich Schiller claimed that if you want to better know somebody, you should ask him what he is doing during leisure. We are not determined by our job than our free time and usage of it.

Arthur Schopenhauer was a firm believer that one can achieve aesthetic joy only by devoting himself so much that he forgets about himself at that moment.

That means that if the person is focused on doing something that they really like and feels meaningful, success will come.

Only by working and being productive, a person can achieve happiness and sincerely joy of life. It seems that there is no way that to be active every day no matter how do you feel. There is no procrastination, exceptions, and fake motivation.

The best time is to start now. The only motivation is to work, dedication, and passion, everything else is the part industry of happiness that you are paying by your wasted time.

Photos: Shutterstock 

More about motivation read on Youth Time Magazine.

Defining Modern Motivation: Not Enough To Be But To Become?

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