The 5 Hardest Universities in the UK to Get Into

Are you thinking of studying in the United Kingdom? There are good universities and then there are the most elite ones, and this country certainly has the latter. Getting accepted and becoming one of their students can be harder than you could ever imagine.

The Complete University Guide based in the United Kingdom recently put together a list of the hardest universities to get accepted to. Interestingly enough, this list does not always seem to match the list of 10 best universities for graduate prospects, created by the same guide.

Top 3 of the hardest universities include Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College London. However, although Imperial College London scored as the third hardest to get into, it scored first as the best university for graduate prospects. The second best for graduate prospects is St George’s, University of London. 

For example, in order to get accepted into Cambridge, one needs to have “top grades in the highest level qualifications available for school/college students in whatever system you’re being educated.” In addition, each specific course has its own requirements, which usually include letters of reference, extracurricular activities and various awards and achievements.

The Complete University Guide produced the lists based on data obtained from the public domain, such as the National Student Survey and The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). Each student’s examination results were converted to a numerical score and added up to give a score total. HESA then calculated an average for all students at the university.

Check out the list of the top 5 of the hardest universities below:

  1. Cambridge
  2. Oxford
  3. Imperial College London
  4. LSE
  5. Durham


Top 5 universities for graduate prospects:

  1. Imperial College London
  2. St George’s, University of London
  3. Cambridge
  4. Bath
  5. Birmingham

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