The 4 Benefits of Becoming a Teacher in Indiana

Indiana is the 17th most populous state in the U.S., meaning it has an average number of schools and students. Consequently, a healthy number of teachers make a living from […]

Indiana is the 17th most populous state in the U.S., meaning it has an average number of schools and students. Consequently, a healthy number of teachers make a living from educating learners in various educational institutions.

And while a career as a teacher may seem lucrative, it’s wise to know what you’re signing up for when looking for a teaching job in this state. Here are the top four benefits Indiana teachers enjoy once they begin their careers.

Minimum Starting Salary Cap Of $40,000 And Payment Increment

Every educator is entitled to a minimum wage per hour, courtesy of state and federal government regulations. However, the payment depends on the education level and each teacher’s specialty.

Nevertheless, Indiana’s state government advocates that the lowest paid teacher should receive a minimum of $12 per hour as wages for their work. This is the threshold for incoming teachers who just graduated from school with a bachelor’s degree in education.

Additionally, educators in Indiana have the right to access a salary increase based on particular criteria as advised by the Indiana Education and Employment Relationships Board. The criteria that warrant an increase in the salary include:

  • Years of experience.
  • Possession of additional content area degrees aside from the minimum employment recommendations.
  • The results of a performance appraisal conducted under I.C. 20-28-11.5.
  • A special education teacher.
  • Teaching science, technology, math, and engineering.
  • Appointed to take instructional leadership roles.

You can check out the Indiana Education and Employment Relationships Board for more criteria that offer an online salary upgrade for Indiana teachers of tomorrow.

State Government Protection Against Labor Law Violation

A teacher is entitled to special rights of the labor organization. Freedom of association, candidacy, membership in the general assembly, and qualified school counselor privileges are the primary rights of a teacher.

Indiana teachers are entitled to at least 30 minutes breaks during class hours between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. If teachers feel their rights are being infringed on, they can make necessary complaints without causing havoc or disrupting the school calendar.

Indiana teachers with students under their supervision also have disciplinary powers over the learners to prevent interference with an educational activity. The teacher protection act provides strong legal counsel for teachers sued over genuine disciplinary disputes in school. The AG’s office uses a state attorney to defend teachers who face lawsuits on the grounds of disciplinary actions they take on students within the school’s compound.

Most importantly, educators have the right to privacy, which employers will accord them when evaluating their performance.

Access To Comprehensive Health Administration and Occupational Safety

Teachers in Indiana have the privilege of enjoying a safe working environment round the clock. All employers must comply with statute I.C 22-8-1.1-2, which requires them to offer a reasonably safe working space that will not result in their employees’ death or significant physical damage.

If a teacher has a reason to think that the working conditions have the possibility of causing harm to their well-being, they can write and submit a complaint to the commissioner of labor for inspection. Access to affordable and easily accessible healthcare services is another perk of working as a teacher in Indiana.

And while most schools provide varying coverage options, they are legally required to contribute to health insurance payments that cover:

  • Ambulance provision
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Diagnostics
  • Emergency care
  • Home care services
  • Behavioral health services

Contact the school districts currently employing teachers for finer details on the available health coverage and the benefits you will receive.

Availability Of Multiple Teacher Organizations

Teachers’ organizations are responsible for ensuring that educators’ needs and voices are heard. These entities are also integral in helping teachers develop particular characteristics necessary for their career growth. Through these forums, educators learn more about grants and scholarships within their grasp, which they can take advantage of to further their studies.

These organizations are also a great space to brainstorm fresh ideas, especially those regarding teaching styles and strategies that can help make the learning process much easier for students. Indiana has an array of teacher’s organizations for every department which come in handy when linking with educators in your niche for networking and job hunting purposes.

Teachers interested in research can also use these organizations as networking grounds to meet like-minded individuals to partner with in their research work. Educators can join music, foreign language, professional educators, and state teachers associations depending on their ranking, preferences, and niche.

In a Nutshell

Teachers in Indiana have access to multiple benefits from the state and federal governments and teacher’s unions. Working as an educator in this state allows you to grow steadily in your career because of the available opportunities to advance in ranking, as the state recommendations provide.

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