Study Trip To Berlin

The International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS) announced the call for applications for its upcoming Study Trip to the German capital. The main focus of this intensive 3 days study trip is understanding Germany’s role in Europe and the World by exploring historical and contemporary issues in German politics and their impact on European and international affairs.

The trip is divided into three main themes; one for each day. The first day will cover the historical foundations of Germany’s role since WWII. The second day will be devoted for contemporary problems in German politics and its role in the EU. The third day will cover ongoing and future issues as a rising player in international affairs.

This very comprehensive program features meetings with academia and think tanks, public and private institutions in the governmental quarter of Berlin as well as meetings with oppositional groups and activists.

The program is partially funded. Participation fee per person is 189 EUR, it includes accommodation, breakfasts, local transportation, all featured program components and access to all institutions on schedule. 

Deadline to apply is September 30th. The trip starts on December 2nd.

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