Social Leader Forum 2016 In Georgia

Creative Development Center in cooperation with CRISP e.V and with financial support of Black Sea trust and Erasmus+ is recruiting representatives from Public, NGO and (Social) Business sectors, coming from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey to participate in the Social Leader Forum 2016. Deadline to apply is September 10.

The forum aims to foster discussion and exchange on the issue of social entrepreneurship and its role in integration of vulnerable groups into society, especially when it comes to the labor market. As experience shows, there is an urgent need for all sectors to combine their strength and experiences in order to tackle the issue.

  • Kick off meeting – September 29-October 5, Georgia.
    The participants meet to exchange on their expertise in order to develop networks for future cooperation. The participants will get input on building cross-sector/cross-border cooperation and plan the next steps, which is the implementation of local initiatives in the region. The meeting is visited by representatives of public as well as business sector.
  • Local activities – October-November
    The participants develop and conduct project ideas that are either cross border or cross sector. The project ideas should include further plan for sustainable development of cooperation. They get seed funding from the program in order to implement the projects before the Forum.
  • Forum – December 4-11, Istanbul, Turkey
    During the Forum the participants present their projects, evaluate their local activities and meet representatives of other sectors. This meeting is mainly focused on presenting local actions, for their further development and building partnerships. We plan to invite important actors from business, CSO and public sectors, who are potential supporters of such initiatives. Besides that, the final meeting will include an Alumni forum, in order to connect new fellows with alumni of previous years!

Main criteria

  • Open to participants from ArmeniaAzerbaijanGeorgiaRussia, and Turkey.
  • Applicants can be working in public administration, (social) business, NGOs, universities, think tanks and other spheres of professional engagement concerning the issue of youth unemployment, labor migration, creating income opportunities for disadvantage groups (rural youth, IDPs, women, minorities), career development for young people, social entrepreneurship and are interested in cross-sector cooperation and social innovation.
  • Applicants should have a strong interest in exchanging on best practice and the developing and learning of new ways of working on the issue and to think “out-of-the-box”.
  • There is no age limit, but a minimum age of 18.
  • Working language is English.

All expenses are covered including travel and accommodation. There is no participation Fee. If you are interested to become part of the project, please fill in the application form online till September 10.

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