Don’t Miss the Opportunity to Study in Slovakia

Slovak government announced scholarships 2015-2016 for foreign students in Slovakia. Scholarships are fully funded and available for accredited study programs at public universities for the next academic year. Hurry up to apply. Deadline is very soon.

These Slovak ministry of education scholarships will be awarded for three types of study programs as follows:

During study in bachelor, master and doctoral study in Slovak Republic, scholarship holders, will be provided the following:

  • a monthly scholarship in total amount of 280 € (1st and 2nd degree); a monthly scholarship in total amount of 330 € (3rd degree)
  • accommodation in student halls of residence and catering in student dining halls at a fee equal to that for students with the SR citizenship,
  • education at the selected public university, under the same conditions as provided for citizens of the SR during the approved study stay.

3-months academic stay will be provided the following:

  • a monthly scholarship in total amount of 550 €,
  • accommodation of collegial type and catering in employees dining halls of receiving organization for a consideration.
  • Healthcare with the exception of spa treatment and prosthetic works based on individual insurance policy concluded by the scholarship holder prior his/her arrival to the SR.

To find out more click here. But hurry up, it is just couple of days left.

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