Scientific Publications from Spanish Universities Have Increased for More Than 70%

We’ve highlighted below some of the most recent developments and occurrences in youth-related news and events. In this week's Friday news we speak about an increase in scientific publications from Spanish universities, new quota for transgender students in India and dormitory bed crisis in Taiwan.

Scientific publications from Spanish universities have increased

In a new report by the IUNE Observatory, the research and innovative activity of the Spanish University System were analyzed. In total, data from 79 Spanish public and private universities from 2007 to 2016 was gathered. Over this period of time, the number of scientific publications in the Web of Science (WoS) has gone up from 31,690 to 54,764 documents. This represents an increase of roughly 72 per cent. During the same period of time, there was no significant change in the number of teaching staff, which has gone from 59,925 in 2007 to 64,296 in 2016.

Quota for transgender students at Indian universities

The News18 reports that the Kerala state government in India allotted two additional seats for transgender students and in this way, made steps towards inclusive education. Additional spots will be provided in all universities and affiliated arts and science colleges in the entire country. The state government order said: “The social justice department has recommended and forwarded the request for issuing a special order for reserving seats for transgender students for various courses in colleges and affiliated arts and science colleges.”


Dormitory bed crisis in Taiwan 

The Taipei Times reports that the Taipei government’s preliminary survey shows a huge shortage of beds in private and public university dormitories in Taipei. In total, 14,772 beds at 26 universities are needed and government-owned buildings will be supplying 4,223 beds over the next five years. Short-term plan for solving this issue includes renting 5 per cent of public housing units to students.

Photo: Shutterstock

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