Scholarship for Young Actors, Dancers, Film and Video Makers

ArtUniverse International Scholarship Programme (UK) is fully funded and supports professional artists from different countries and diverse art forms and techniques. Participant is choosing a location for future studies. ArtUniverse has already supported over 1500 international performers, practically from all continents.

At the present moment ArtUniverse is offering scholarship in five categories:
  • for dancers and choreographers
  • for actors of physical theatre and circus performers 
  • for theatre directors
  • for arts administrators 
  • for film and video makers
ArtUniverse Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. The applications are considered on the basis of the candidates background and previous achievements, individual experience, qualifications, as well as professional skills, communication and creativity showed during the application process. Priority is given to those candidates who are able to show clear motivation to participate in contemporary performing arts processes at international level.

Find out how to apply here.

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