Russian School of Economics Welcomes International Students. Just 4 Days Remaining

The Higher School of Economics (HSE) with its main campus in Moscow organizes the annual Winter School training program for interested senior students and graduates.

The program will take place from January 30 to February 3 and will offer an opportunity to not only gain practical knowledge and experience but also to discover the Russian culture. Apart from tuition, the program covers accommodation and meals.

The Winter School is completely free of charge and during this short-term training program, the participants will be able to meet leading Russian and foreign specialists, politicians and researchers.

Language courses will be provided for the students to acquire basic skills in the Russian language, and to implement them during the program. However, interaction in English with professors and fellow students will not be a problem.

The program includes three majors that are conducted in English, such as Social Science & Humanities, Economics & Management and Mathematics & Computer Science. Participants of the Winter School come from diverse backgrounds, including continents like Europe and America and countries like China, Japan and Republic of Korea.

Participants of the Social Science & Humanities major will examine the prospects of economic and political relations between the Russian Federation and the countries of South East Asia. In addition, lectures will be conducted on modern trends in psychology and sociology, analyzing comparative social research methods and different aspects of the fields.

Economics & Management major will focus on the world of money and the way it works. The emphasis will be made on company management, new technologies, innovations and other essentials of the competitive market.

Students interested in Mathematics & Computer Science will be offered a course on applied mathematics, algebra and analysis, as well as courses on IT and software development.

Applications for the Winter School 2015 should be lodged online at HSE’s website until November 28 ( HSE is a leading research university that carries out its mission through quality research, analysis and socio-cultural activities.

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