Russia Aims To Triple The Number Of International Students

We’ve highlighted below some of the most recent developments and occurrences in youth-related news and events.

Russia Plans to Increase the Export of Educational Services 

Russia plans to introduce new courses under the Development of the Export Potential of the Russian Education System programme in order to attract foreign students studying full time courses at domestic universities. Approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the programme’s goal is to triple their number within next eight years, and it’s predicted that number can rise to 50% in 2019. By 2025 the number should rise from current 200.000 to 710.000. 

Higher Education Facilities in Kashmir Closed for 65% of the Last Year

The Crime Branch of Jammu and Kashmir Police conducted a survey and released data which revealed that Indian-administered Kashmir universities and colleges were closed 65% of the time in last year due to violent incidents. It all started in July when popular rebel commander was killed by Indian forces. After the incident, separatist organized mass protests, strikes and curfews which led to death of 100 civilians. 84,811 students who had enrolled in Kashmir were affected by the turmoil. The data declared 2016 to be the fourth worst year since the eruption of anti-India armed insurgency in 1989. 2007, in contrast, was the most productive year when only 11 working days were lost due to such incidents.

Cambridge Professor Suggests Using Study Drugs


Estimated 10 to 20 % of students are using study drugs which having already proved to be a major part of student life. Brands of modafinil are available only by prescription. However, they can be found online for very low prices. In an interview with The Independent, Cambridge professor of clinical neuro-psychology and expert on cognitive-enhancing drugs Dr Barbara Sahakian said: “I think the Government should… assess whether it’s safe and effective for people to use. If it is, then let them license it, and maybe sell it in Boots.” Dr Sahakian argues that “a lot of people… really dose themselves with coffee and caffeine and then they end up with palpitations and tremors… so in some ways I prefer modafinil”.

Photo: Shutterstock

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