Rotary Peace Fellowship For Early-Career Professionals

Candidates wishing to start a career related to peace and development studies are invited to participate in a fully-funded fellowship programme.

The fully-funded Rotary Peace Fellowship, which covers tuition and living expenses, increases the capacity of existing leaders to prevent and resolve a conflict by offering academic training, field experience, and professional networking.

Fellows accepted to the master’s degree will undergo a 15–24-month programme that includes a two- to three-month field study, which participants design themselves.

For the professional development certificate programme, fellows will participate in a year-long programme and work on an independent project at a Rotary Peace Center in Thailand or Uganda.

The deadline is on Saturday 15th May 2021. 


Main Criteria

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • English proficiency 
  • Three years of related work experience to the academic programme. 

Find out more now.

Photo: Shutterstock

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