RBC Ranked Most Influential People. 2nd Place Climbs “Nobody”

A new rating by RBC Information Systems, a large Russian media group established in 1993 in Moscow, has put together ten influential people who more than everyone else affect the future. 

The RBC magazine asked 50 CEOs of the largest companies in Russia a question of “Who are those representatives of business, science or social organizations who affect the future of mankind the most?” The answers included the following ten people.

Elon Musk, the CEO and CTO of SpaceX, CEO and chief product architect of Tesla Motors, and chairman of SolarCity.

Musk has worked on software and payment systems, built private space rockets and signed billion-dollar contracts with NASA. He finally conquered humanity by launching Tesla Motors, which radically changed the entire global automotive industry


“Nobody” initially led the poll, but still lost the first place. No one is able to single-handedly influence the future, because the world is too global and progress is achieved by joint efforts, according to 32% of respondents.

(3rd and 4th place) Sergey Brin and Larry Page, founders of Google.

In the answers of respondents, Page and Brin were inseparably linked, and the answers often stated “those guys from Google”.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and the richest man in the world.

While doing business, the largest shareholder of Microsoft stroke fear in consumers, competitors and the entire continents, but having become a philanthropist, he turned to the idea of the scale philanthropy. Together with his wife Melinda Gates he manages a charitable foundation with an endowment of $ 42.3 billion. The money is spent on a variety of purposes – from malaria and Ebola to the introduction of new technologies in agriculture.

Steve Jobs, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Apple Inc.

The death of Steve Jobs did not prevent him from remaining a person with the ability to influence the future – at least in the view of people surveyed. The legacy of Steve Jobs is so great that it keeps in the shadows entrepreneurs who are alive and active. “Ever since Jobs died, there is no one there,” – answered Russian businessmen.


Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group.

Throughout his long career, Branson experienced many failures. The collapse of the spaceship SpaceShipTwo of the Virgin Galactic company, which killed the pilot, would stop a lot of investors, but not him. Branson continued his project, promising that such tragedy will not happen again.


Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon.com

When in 2013 Amazon announced its intention to deliver the goods using drones, many thought it was a joke. But Bezos, who owns the spaceport and space transport company, was quite serious: testing the services of Amazon Prime Air will begin in Cambridge, and establishment a mass airlift is promised in five years.


Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc.

Three years ago, Tim Cook was considered the best, but not the equivalent replacement of his predecessor. Now, his company’s market capitalization reached $ 700 billion, and new products hit record sales.



Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge. One of the most famous scientists, Hawking tries to explain things in accessible language, for which he earned the gratitude of mankind.

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