Paid Opportunity: French-based Videographer

European Youth Press is looking for videographers based in France interested in a short-term paid opportunity with Open Government Partnership (OGP). The video that needs to be put together would be used at the OGP Summit which will take place in Paris on December 7th—December 9th, 2016. If you fit the description, please apply as soon as possible.

OGP facilitates the cooperation of governments and civil society to work together in developing and implementing ambitious open government reforms. The organization is looking to create a film for the Summit called, “Bienvenue à Paris!”: French civil society welcomes peers to Paris Summit. This film would be a 3-4 minute high-resolution video in French, with English subtitles (and also simultaneous translation into Spanish at the Summit).

The content of the video will consist of 8-10 prominent French civil society leaders briefly describing what the OGP means for them and they will also welcome international peers to the Global OGP Summit. This video will also be posted on Youtube at the time of the opening ceremony.

The video should have a youthful and dynamic style with semi-professional-looking editing including quick succession cuts and strategic repetition for emphasis and effective storytelling. 

Here is an example of what OGP has in mind.

If you are interested in working on this video collaboration, please send your CV and a sample of your work via email.

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