Next Youth Time Magazine on Wednesday, April 1!

Why the 29th issue of the Youth Time Magazine is about Zeitgeist (The Spirit Of Our Time) and what does it mean actually?

It’s dollars to doughnuts, while looking through various sources of information recently, you faced statements that we are not in the best of times: political tension, economic crises, moral decay, cultural degradation. History tells us that mankind has experienced similar phases in the past, as people tend to have different interests and goals, and they can’t always be reduced to anything as simple as the “American dream” or “democratic ideals”. Having decided to look at today’s realities globally, we began to study various scientific and philosophical approaches and theories and came upon the term “Zeitgeist”, which completely conveys the meaning of our research. Zeitgeist is what shapes each of us today, and also what we do with the time in which we live. But are people fully aware of what is happening in the global culture? Let’s find out.

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Tattoo as a life style: An interview with a famous Czech photographer

What didn’t you know about “Je suis Charlie”?

Google: What is interesting around the world?

Why multiculturalism is dead?

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