Opportunity for Bloggers to Win Fully Funded Trip to UAE

Eye on Earth global movement announced blogging competition for young writers from all over the globe. Write an inspiring 750 - 1,000 word blog post on "A better world through knowledge and information." and win fully funded trip to Abu Dhabi, UAE to attend the Eye on Earth Summit from 6th-8th October 2015.

Eye on Earth movement aims to improve the access and availability of environmental, social and economic data to support informed decision-making for sustainable development.

Your blog post should be about how data and information can make a difference to ordinary people’s lives. Whether it is lifting people out of poverty, helping communities prepare for natural disasters or simply enhancing our ability to make better day-to-day choices, your blog entry should focus on how a  data revolution can help secure a better and more sustainable future.

Your entry should be innovative, inspiring and motivate peers to get talking about the vital role data and information has to play in protecting the health of our planet.

Deadline is 20th of August.

Click here to apply.

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