British Students Created Futuristic Edible Water Bottle

It is not only the water crisis that has been worrying the world but also the fact that plastic, in which water is usually stored, is a major pollutant, significantly affecting the ecosystem.

This is why innovators have long been concerned with creating an effective replacement and it seems like the London-based industrial design students have finally been successful.

The students created the so-called “Ooho!” orbs that take the form of a squishy blob of water in gel. The water is enclosed in an algae-based gel, which could soon become a replacement of the water bottles.

Therefore, hydrating in the future will probably not mean having a sip of water from the bottle but swallowing a gelatinous, edible blob. 

The creators of the “Ooho!” orbs own the Skipping Rocks Lab, an innovation lab created by Guillaume Couche, Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez and Pierre Paslier, who met in London where they were part of the Innovation Design Engineering course.

Influenced by molecular gastronomy, a method of cooking that uses scientific methods, the three students decided to come up with an invention that would not only replace water bottles but also be free and easy for everyone to make at home.

The instructions on how to make the “Ooho!” orbs are featured on Creative Commons. The process requires rather strange ingredients like 1g of sodium algenate or 5g of calcium lactate, but is doable nonetheless.

However, the orbs are still not perfect, as the membrane is very thin and makes for difficult transporting. The team is trying to come up with an effective solution, such as using a double container, where they could pack several individual “Ooho!” orbs.

Despite the challenges, the “Ooho!” orbs already won the Lexus Design Award. This year, “Ooho!” is nominated at the 2015 Design to Improve Life award.

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