Online Environmental Journalism Training

African and Chinese journalists interested and/or experienced in environmental journalism are invited to apply for a free online training that will take place on 28 September 2020. The deadline is on 20 August 2020.

Apply for Online Environmental Journalism Training

The Africa-China Reporting Project, hosted at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, aims to improve the quality of reporting on Africa-China issues by providing reporting grants, workshops and other opportunities.

The Project facilitates journalists to investigate complex dynamics and uncover untold stories, with an emphasis on on-the-ground impact and perspectives.

Selected applicants will receive a full pass to Wits Journalism’s African Investigative Journalism Conference 2020, this year a virtual series of online events spread over the month of October.

African journalists will be provided with resources to support online attendance of both the Workshop and the Conference.

The workshop aims to provide training and resources to support high quality journalism on Africa-China relations, particularly focused on African climate and environmental issues ranging from impacts of investments, innovations, and infrastructure developments on farming and livelihoods, to the development of energy systems, nature conservation, and good governance, among others.

The online Workshop and AIJC Conference this year will serve as precursors for reporting grants, on-the-ground investigations, and a full training workshop in 2021, the global situation permitting.

The deadline is on 20 August 2020.


Main criteria

  • Candidates should provide their CV and list previous Africa-China or environment-related reporting
  • Applicants are also required to submit a short description of a specific Africa-China environment-related story that they are interested to investigate
  • Relevant issues could include but are not limited to climate impacts, energy systems, fossil fuels, and natural conservation
  • Candidates should demonstrate proficiency in English

Find out more about online environmental Journalism Training.

Photo: Shutterstock / Edited by: Martina Advaney

More opportunities can be found here:

Japanese Award for Outstanding Research


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