New Writer Scholarship 2015

New Writer Scholarship 2015 offers a rare opportunity for bloggers. Whatever your story, this opportunity could be your big break. Build your own blog, apply for the scholarship and get $4,000 to help advance your writing career. Deadline to apply is November 29th  2015.

Are you a student with ambitions to become a writer? Or perhaps you’re more advanced in age yet still dream about sharing your writing passion with others. would be glad to support you.


  • Anyone at least 16 years of age.
  • Your submitted work (Short story/Poem/Blog post/Any written material you are proud of) cannot be published earlier as part of a printed book (a “book” is defined as having an ISBN), and your submission has not been submitted to any other printed material that may publish this same work).
  • If you piece has been posted on a blog/website, you must include a page URL where the piece can be found online.
  • Each participant can submit only one written work.
  • The work must be in English (Your country of residence can be anywhere.)
  • Only single individuals can apply. Submissions from a team of two or more will not be accepted.

The winner will be announced on December 23, 2015.

The scholarships is created by a blogger, copywriter and ghostwriter Matthew Loomis and his project Build Your Own Blog.

Find out more.

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All your donations will be used to pay the magazine’s journalists and to support the ongoing costs of maintaining the site.


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We are open to co-operation from writers and businesses alike. You can reach us on our email at [email protected]/[email protected] and we will get back to you as quick as we can.

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